Just finished watching the show Taiyou no uta,close to tears at the last episode yet again.I seriously gotta stay away from sad shows,i'm not good with them at all.
The show's about a girl who has a disease called XP that doesn't allow her to be exposed to UV light,or in short,the sun.Her only solution is by wearing and embarassing power ranger look alike suit,which she detests,thus being confined to night alone to roam about.
Her passion is in music,writing her song and playing the guitar,and this started when she picked up a guy's guitar a couple of years back.She observed him daily,from her hospital window a couple of years then,as he used to always walk past and one day she saw him abandon the guitar.It went on to become her passion and dream to play music,and fast forward a few years she met him and then they fell in love.
That fella and his group of friends,(oh by the way they're cute!) all became aquainted with the girl and then went on to chase their dreams of making it as a band.Loads of stuff happened,which you should watch and find out,and in the end,yea she died again.Darn sad,she always dies,first in one litre of tears and now taiyou no uta.To rub it in she has such a nice smile and she's such a cutie.
Anyway the show's quite meaningful,just like one litre of tears it carries some messages,and many heart warming quotes.Like how one part when she could no longer play the guitar cause the disease was affecting her hand,the guy said to her "I'd be your guitar"
And of cause the main thing about the show is having a dream,which sadly after watching i have come to realise yet again,something that i lack.And a phrase i loved...
`What is the meaning in a life without dreams?
..A life without love..what happiness is there?
Even if its not realised,i tried my best to chase my dreams and i tried my best to love someone,
therefore my life is not unfortunate nor pitiful...i'm more blessed than others..
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